Today Turkey taught us about being Thankful. He was placed in the Nativity to remind us about the Ultimate Gift from God and how we owe all our Thanks and Praise to Him for saving us from our sins so that we can live forever in Heaven with God if we believe in Him.

This is one of my favorite verses from the Bible. It reminds me that no matter what, God will always provide for my needs. Of course the verse doesn't say all my WANTS, no it say NEEDS. You can download the card here.
Turkey suggested that we bake cookies for our neighbors today! What a GREAT idea!! Later this week we will...well, you'll just have to wait to find out. :)

Here is the downloadable card for Kindness.
Okay, let me be completely honest...I will NEVER do this again! Wrapping a Christmas Tree is not as easy as it looks. That being said, however, the kids LOVED it...the things I do for my children. :) If you are going to attempt this, it is highly recommended to have 2 people to help wrap. The issue was the fact that the tree is cone shaped and my wrapping paper is flat. So I had to get a little creative.

That Turkey needed to have a lot of Grace for his evening activity.
Turkey and his squad found a board game to play last night! I don't know who ended up winning, but it sure looks like they had a lot of fun. Turkey reminded the boys that just like obeying rules in a game is important, you need to Obey Your Parents as well!

Here is the downloadable card for Obedience.
Come back soon for the rest of Turkey's nighttime fun!
Check out my other Elf on the CHRISTmas Shelf posts to see everything that Turkey did and taught us last year!
Turkey Arrives
Days 1-3
Days 4-6
Days 7-9
Days 10-13
Days 14-16
Days 21-24
Days 25-27
Check out my other Elf on the CHRISTmas Shelf posts to see everything that Turkey did and taught us last year!
Turkey Arrives
Days 1-3
Days 4-6
Days 7-9
Days 10-13
Days 14-16
Days 21-24
Days 25-27
To download my entire Plan 1 Elf Calendar click here. There are 27 different ideas here!
download the companion document listing all the needed Supplies and Pictures, click here.
To download all the Cards/Signs that you will need for Plan 1 click here (not including Hello or Goodbye letters). You can also download every sign individually by visiting each post. I hope you get some use out of this!!
To download all the Cards/Signs that you will need for Plan 1 click here (not including Hello or Goodbye letters). You can also download every sign individually by visiting each post. I hope you get some use out of this!!
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