January 31, 2014

14 Days of Valentine's Gift for the Hubbs

I don't know about you, but my husband loves to eat.  I mean...loves it!  We also don't really do gifts for Valentine's Day since our Anniversary is right around the corner in the next month, but we do exchange SOMETHING.  So this year, I saw this idea on the "Houghton Family Blog" and just had to execute for P this year.
Last year I made him the "52 Reasons Why I Love You" Deck of Love and that was a hit, but I needed something else. Later in her post, she put a link to some cute tags that her sister made on Etsy.  I just recreated the same tags myself, but if you want to buy them instead of making them, you can find them here.
Basically you take the cute sayings and attach them to the candy/food items and then give them to your loved one one at a time each day until Valentine's.  It's sort of like the 12 Days of Christmas, but it's the "14 Days of Valentines." You can attach them with tape like the gal on the blog did, or you can put them in cute bags with ribbon and such.  Whatever you like.  There are a few more than just 14 of these cute tags so you can either omit a few, or just give a couple on the same day a few times.  That's what I'm going to do. :)

Here's the list of the tag sayings and the Item it goes to:
You are PRICELESS to me - 100 Grand Candy Bar
I want you NOW & LATER - Now & Later
You stole a PIECE of my heart - Reece's Pieces
You o'FISH'ally have my heart - Swedish Fish
You ROCK my world - Pop Rocks
I am STUCK on you - Gum
I like the way you ROLL - Rolo
You are the STAR of my life - Starburst
I'm NUTS about you - Pay Day or Nutter Butter Cookies
I'd be in KNOTS without you - Chocolate Covered Pretzels
You are the APPLE of my eye - an Apple or Carmel Apple Sucker 
Being yours is a JOY - Almond Joy
You are my SWEETIE - Sweet Tarts
You COLOR my world - Skittles
I have a CRUSH on you - Crush Soda
Thanks for going to BAT for me - Baby Ruth
You are a HOT TAMALE - Hot Tamales
I SODA think you're amazing - Any kind of Coke or Soda product

The really funny part about this whole thing...I've been sick and wanted to make sure to have this all ready for him by Feb 1st.  I have not had a chance to get to the store at all due to this monster cold/flu thing so I made him go get all the candy. :) I just told him it was for Valentine's and he assumed that it was for our son's class...oh well. :) Little does he know he just bought his own Valentine's Gift! :)